Friday, April 07, 2006

To John Dean: Paging Eliot Ness

Dear John,
Although your words will, no doubt, be lost on the 59 million who voted for POTUS in 2004, and therefore constitutes, to a large degree, preaching to the choir, I still applaud your engagement in the issue of presidential power and selective release of classified information for political gain. If hypocrisy were a federal crime, and you had the clout to actively pursue the truth-twisters on capital hill, we would long since have seen the lot of them in the brig. And that brings up my point in this letter. You don't have the clout. Nor does Kos, nor Josh Marshall, nor Red Head, nor any of the rest of us. It seems as if, at the moment, only one person wields the power to apply legal pressure on the White House--Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor in the CIA outing investigation. One person with the clout. Not the Attorney General. Not the Senate Judiciary Committee (well, they actually have the power, but not the inclination). Not the House. It seems that those who are justifiably incensed at the behavior of POTUS and his ilk are powerless, unless and until there is a Democratic majority in the House and the Senate while the hypocrites are still in office. Thus, we must cross our fingers and hope that historically lethargic Democratic voters flock to their polling stations this coming November and are able to reright the imbalance on Capitol Hill. Unless, of course, a modern-day Eliot Ness bursts in to rid us of the putrid odor emanating from Pennsylvania Avenue.


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