Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Posted at NoQuarter 5/29/06

I'm afraid you won't like me saying this, Larry. But I must. We are living in a fascist democracy. I know that doesn't sound possible--we usually think of fascism as a totalitarian system. But it needn't be, and in fact it wasn't in 1930s and 1940s Germany or Italy. The Bush administration is right down the line a fascist one, if you logically accept the account of fascism described at http://www.oldamericancentury.org/14pts.htm. When looked at according to this kind of analysis of political systems, there is no way to avoid it. Bush and Co are fascists. We need to treat them as such.

This comment brought this response by Thinker:

Yes, Canuck Stuck in Muck, I see the inside job, 911 an identical pretext to the burning of the Reichstag. In both cases terrorists (or anarchist - defacto terrorists) were blamed, openning the door to extra-ordinary security measures. The aftermath has seen the removal of human rights (as a legal standard) with campaigns against the Jew and Arab respectively. Perhaps it will bring them closer together, now?


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