Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Saweet! Lamont wins the Connecticut Primary, defeating Lieberman

What a glorious night this is! I'm not going to say I didn't think much of Joe from the moment he was named as Gore's running mate. And I'm not going to say that Lieberman was a chump for accepting Bush's bush shit when it came time to vote on the use of force bill. Most in the Congress were bitten by the lies and deception. It was afterward, as Joe began to cozy up to the Preznit, and finally declared that if you didn't support POTUS, you were against your country. What an uppercase L loser! I know in my heart that Lieberman will never, ever, understand what just happened. You and I do, and we're going to have to carry the word to the rest of the world. We must find a way to get to the people who don't get it. Ideas?


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