Thursday, July 12, 2007


The Christian Supremacists in Congress showed their true colours today, by demonstrating their foundational bigotry. It fits perfectly with what I've been saying about Creationists/Creation Scientists/Intelligent Design adherents--that they are profoundly arrogant when they propound their story of creation, because it denigrates (by ignoring) the myriad other creation stories and beliefs of the world's non-Christians. The Judao-Christian tradition is pervasively bigoted against non-believers. And, as you're well aware, some Christians over the years have perpetrated unconscionable acts against non-Christians (think Crusades, the expulsion of the Jews from Britain and from other European nations in the Middle Ages, the Shoa). I say let the rat bastards yell all they want about the "idolaters". The more they show themselves for what they are, the sooner this country'll be rid of their venomous religion.


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