Friday, July 13, 2007

Are We There, Yet?

I thought it was bad enough when we found out about the lies that got us into Iraq (thanks to Amb. Wilson for that revelation).
I thought it was bad enough when CIA NOC Agent Wilson was decloaked by the White House (thanks to Patrick Fitzgerald, USA).
I thought it was bad enough that the US officially condones torture (thanks to, among others, the soldiers in Abu Ghraib Prison, who were later drummed out of the military for following orders).
I thought it was bad enough when the government began secretly recording our telephone conversations (thanks to the NYT, I think).
I thought it was getting a little worse when it became legal to search my home without a warrant, and to arrest me without cause and detain me indefinitely.
Things seemed to be getting a little darker when we found out that the DOJ was being stocked with Republican zombies.
It seemed like it couldn't get any worse when POTUS commuted his buddy "Scooter" Libby's 30-month sentence for obstruction of justice.
Now, it seems, a feckless Congress is finding out that they have no recourse if someone doesn't honor a subpoena.
Is it possible that the rat bastards in Washington had all of this in mind before any of it started?
Historians of Hitler's Germany will no doubt recognize a number of points of similarity.


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