Brilliant! John Aravosis at nails it! CHRISTIAN SUPREMACISTS! That's what they are! The anti-abortion, anti-homophilia, anti-Islam, anti-pluralism, anti-evolution, anti-science, anti-semite, anti-anything-left-of-extreme-right, pro-death-penalty, pro-Iraq War, pro-torture, pro-warrantless-detention, pro-warrantless-wiretapping, pro-Bush lobby, who are nothing less than extreme-Biblical-literalist-born-again-the-rapture-is-coming-Christian Supremacists, like the so-called American Family Association, have one thing on their mind--total control of the US, its laws, its lawmakers, and its society. Stand up to them now, or this 230-year-long experiment with democracy will crumble like the walls of Jericho.