Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Libby the coward. Can't admit that he lied. Can't admit that his superiors broke the law. Can't admit that they have lied, persistently, for years. Instead, he proposes a legal defense that blocks any hope of reaching a just ruling on his innocence or guilt. Bloody coward! Sin cojones. Worse than a weasel. Worse than Grima Wormtongue. Hey, he even looks like Grima in the movie.

Friday, March 03, 2006

It Had to Happen Sooner or Later!

The Missouri legislature is showing its true Christian Supremacist colours, by proposing that Christianity be declared the state's official religion. Superstitious nonsense, on the one hand; dangerous infringement on individual freedoms on the other. The unmitigated arrogance of these people defies the rational imagination.

One more t'ing (apologies to Columbo)

5. POTUS, undoubtedly, knows who authorized Valerie Wilson's exposure. He lies when he says he knows nothing, and when he contends that he wants the culprit brought to justice. Lies--first, last, and always.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


What else can you call it but 'depraved indifference', when you think that POTUS knew Katrina had devastating potential, yet stays on vacation and later denies that he knew anyone who thought the levees could be overtopped or breached. He and his cronies deserve no better than jail time for their despicable behaviour.