An Idea for an Ad
Here's a modest proposal for an ad spot. No audio. Screen graphic "Support the Troops" for five seconds. Camera then records a succession of real people's faces, who one by one state how they've been affected by the occupation of Iraq... "My father was killed in Faluja" "My sister died in Bakuba" "My brother came back really sick" "My son came back without his legs." "My mother died when her convoy was ambushed in Anbar Province." Screen goes black. Screen graphic reads "Iraq affects each of us." Voice over (perhaps Morgan Freeman) "Iraq affects each of us. And for what? Weapons of mass destruction? [Clip of Bush uttering the 16 words in the SOTU.] (Freeman continues) There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, [Clip of Libby with Cheney and Rumsfeld] and there is abundant evidence to prove that the Bush administration new it and lied to the American people before invading Iraq. 9/11? [Clip of highlight from CIA report, with CIA symbol prominent] The CIA and the 9/11 Commission conclude that there never was an Iraq connection. [Still of Usama bin Laden] Al Quaeda? Al Quaeda didn't exist in Saddam's Iraq. To promote democracy in the Middle East? Diplomacy and fair dealing would have done as much. So, what are our soldiers dying for? An illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation. You can support the troops by bringing them home and holding President Bush accountable for the unthinkable horror he has unleashed in Iraq." Put that on the internets and watch it burn up the tubes.